
What’s the difference between Japanese particles は-wa and が-ga?

This is the biggest question, maybe.Japanese language has particles in a sentence. And this is very important in Japanes...

Japanese traditional performance KAGURA

Japan has a pretty much long history.So There are traditional events. You may know about 祭り Matsuri, 七夕 Tanabata-festiva...

Japanese say nothing about anything negative?

日本語の会話のテキストを見ていると「・・・」があることに気づきませんか。 これは、何も言わない、という意味ですが、ちょっと意味深な感じです。実は、これには意味があります。 What does it mean "・・・" in a middl...

Japanese eat rice every day?

It’s said that rice is a staple food in the Japanese diet. But is it true? I found an article, it says Japanese prefer b...

Pronunciation らりるれろ

The Japanese language is easy to pronounce. But, I realized that most of native English speakers doesn't pronounceらりるれろ ...

How to learn Kanji

Most of students except Chinese struggle with remembering Kanji which is Chinese character. However, if you learn Kanji ...

When do you use 敬語(keigo, polite form)?

いつ敬語を使ったらいいですか? こんな質問をよくもらいます。 Most of students are not good at speaking KEIGO which is polite form in Japanese. I'm goi...

What’s the difference あげる, もらう and くれる?

Hi everyone, お元気ですか。I feel a bit sad this summer because the fireworks event isn't held due to covid-19. Speaking of Jap...

How to use online lesson?

Hi, everyone. I am a Japanese language teacher. These days, I do online teacher. What do you think of taking an online l...