

【How to use shikanai(しかない)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use shikanai?What does shikanai mean? It is clear that I am in the wrong, so I must apologize. 私が悪いのは明らかなので、謝るしかな...

【How to use zaruoenai(ざるをえない)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use zaruoenai?What does zaruoenai mean? Because of an accident, the road is blocked and I have to take a detour. ...

【How to use saserareru / sareru(させられる/される)】N4 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use saserareru / sareru?What does saserareru / sareru mean? She kept me waiting for 30 minutes. 彼女に30分も待たされた。 Mea...

【How to use sae・・・ba(さえ〜ば)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use sae・・・ba?What does sae・・・ba mean? If it weren't for that building, we would be able to have a nice view. あの建物...

【How to use sae(さえ)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use sae?What does sae mean? As it is a question that even a university professor would mistake, there is no way I...

【How to use karashite(からして)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use karashite?What does karashite mean? Judging from the kind of car he drives, that person is likely rich. あの人は乗...

【How to use saichuuni(最中に)】N3 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use saichuuni?What does saichuuni mean? While I was eating dinner with my family, a friend came to visit. 家族と食事をし...

【How to use saiwa/sainiwa(際は/際には)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use saiwa/sainiwa?What does saiwa/sainiwa mean? When you apply for a cell phone, you need your personal seal(stam...

【How to use kotowanai(ことはない)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kotowanai?What does kotowanai mean? It is his job so you don't have to help. 彼の仕事なのだから、君が手伝うことはない。 Meaning of...

【How to use kotoninaru(ことになる)】N4 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kotoninaru?What does kotoninaru mean? After a pro-longed recession, that supermarket had to close. 長引く不況でついにあ...

【How to use kotoninatteiru(ことになっている)】N3 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kotoninatteiru?What does kotoninatteiru mean? I have a date this coming Sunday. 今度の日曜日はデートすることになっている。 Meaning...

【How to use kotonisuru(ことにする)】N3 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kotonisuru?What does kotonisuru mean? A:Have you decided your plans for summer vacation? B:I've decided to go...
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