「南海トラフ地震」(nankai torafu jisin, なんかい とらふ じしん, ENG:Nankai Megathrust Earthquake)です。
What about 南海トラフ地震?
It’s said that the earthquake could happen in Japan within 40 years with 90% ratio.
Within 40 years. hummmm…. what do you think of this number, 40years and 90%,?
I live in Japan. So I should prepare for it.
There might be an opportunity to visit Japan for you as a tourist, student,…etc.
The earthquake could happen at that time, when you are in Japan.
So I want to share what you should do, need, prepare for it.
Video Link :[NHKスペシャル] もしも南海トラフ巨大地震が発生したら?シミュレーションCGとドラマで解説 | MEGAQUAKE | NHK
How to get the information.
There’re many website of disaster prevention.
I just picked some. Please take a look and if you feel important, install the App before you come to Japan.
内閣府 防災情報のページ Cabinet office, Government of Japan.

Tokyo Disaster Prevention Information

熊本県 危機管理防災課 外国人住民のための防災パンフレット(やさしい日本語、英語、中国語、韓国語、ベトナム語) disaster prevention handbook

避難生活 ガイドブック living in an evacuation center
After disaster came, the buildings like hotel or house might broken.
And traffic would collapse. You should stay there wherever you are.
Many people share an building and live together for a while.
This pdf below, tell you how to stay together at evacuation site.

Useful Phrases when earthquake happens in Japan.
地震(じしん) | earthquake |
余震(よしん) | aftershock |
火事(かじ) | fire |
断水(だんすい) | water outrage/shortage |
避難所(ひなんしょ/ひなんじょ) | evacuation site/center |
警報(けいほう) | warning alert |
がけ崩れ(がけくずれ) | landslide |
避難(ひなん) | evacuation |
避難所(ひなんじょ)はどこですか。 Hinannjo wa doko desuka. | Where is the evacuation center? |
怪我(けが)をしています。 kega o shite imasu. | I’m hurt./ I’m injured. |
救急隊(きゅうきゅうたい)はどこにいますか。 Kyuukyuu-tai wa doko ni imasuka. | Where is the paramedic? |
寒い(さむい)です。 samui desu. 毛布(もうふ)はありますか。 Moufu wa arimasuka. | Im cold. Are there any blankets? |
子供(こども)が見つかりません。 Kodomo ga mitsukarimasen. | I can’t find my kids. |
食べ物(たべもの)はありますか。 Tabemono wa arimasuka. | Is there any food? |
飲み水(のみみず)はありますか。 Nomi-mizu wa arimasuka. | Is there any drinking water? |
助(たす)けてください。 Tasukete kudasai. | Please help me. |
大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)ですか。 Daijoubu desuka. | Are you okay/all right? |
インターネット(いんたーねっと)はありますか。 Intaa-netto wa arimasuka. | Is there wi-fi? internet? |
気(き)をつけてください。 Ki o tsukete kudasai. | Please be careful. |
離(はな)れてください。 Hanarete kudasai. | Please get away. |
建物(たてもの)から離(はな)れてください。 Tatemono kara hanarete kudasai. | Please get away from the building. |
しゃがんでください。 Syagande kudasai. | Get down! |
Prepare for the earthquake in Japan.
Safety tips disaster information
VoiceTra translation app
全国避難所ガイド you can find an evacuation center from the GPS.
Safe journey in Japan.
There is a saying.
You can never be too prepared.
There’re a lot disaster have been coming to Japan such as earthquake, typhoon, flood and so on. So, you should prepare for it. Please keep mind that it could happen while you are in Japan.
Keep studying Japanese is the best way to prepare for it, maybe 😉