

Japanese zodiac 干支(えと/Eto) how to say zodiac in Japanese. The meaning of 干支


The greeting during the end of the year in Japanese) How to say “Have a great holidays.” in Jpanese. The meaning of 良いお年を(よいおとしを・yoiotoshio)

良いお年を!It’s a greeting on December.Full of expression is…良いお年をお迎えください。(よいおとしを、おむかえください)This greeting is used only Decembe...

The first three days of new year. What is 三が日(さんがにち・sanganichi)in Japanese. What Japanese do during お正月?


The meaning of おせち料理(おせちりょうり・osechi)in English. Japanese eat traditional cuisine during new year days.

What's osechi-ryoori ??おせち料理(りょうり)Osechi ryooriIt’s a Japanese traditional special cuisine during お正月しょうがつ.Each food has...

Why Japanese are thin? Eating habits in Japan → Japanese meaning of 腹八分目(はらはちぶめ Harahachibume)

What is 腹八分目(はらはちぶめ・harahachibume)in Japanese?How does "Don’t eat too much!!” call in Japanese?八分目はらはちぶめHara hachibu meH...

<Magic/useful word> Japanese meaning of 大丈夫(だいじょうぶ Daijyoobu)Only one word you should remember before trip to Japan.

There's a magic word.How do you say "It's Okay./No worries./ No problem." in Japanese?大丈夫だいじょうぶDaijyoobuThis is kind of ...

【Tips!】Conversation with Japanese. Do not use He/Her. Japanese get confused when you use 彼(かれ)彼女(かのじょ)a lot.

apanese get confused when hear 彼(かれ)/彼女(かのじょ) in sentences.🙁彼?誰のこと????I suggest that you should use real names or nickna...

Japanese use ka and ne the end of the sentence. What’s this か/ね meaning?

What’s the difference between そうですか and そうですね??I see. I didn't know it.そうですか!I feel the same / right.そうですね!

【Tips for staying Japan】You should prepare for earthquakes. The big earthquake could come. It’s called Nankai megathrust earthquake 南海(なんかい・nankai)トラフ大地震(だいじしん・daijishin)

It's a name of MEGA earthquake which could come to Japan soon. It's said that it could happen within 40 years by 90% rat...

京都で一番高い建物は?Kyoto has a strict construction rule about building height limits. How high Kyoto tower is? 京都タワーの高さは?

京都 きょうと KyootoAs you may know, Kyoto was an old Japanese capital. There are lots of temples and shrines.To see them clea...

How many years do you spend time in school in Japan? 【school year / education system in Japan】

How many years do you spend time in school like primary school, junior high or whatever, in your country?In japan, like ...

【Business Japanese】Meaning of 席を外す(せきをはずす・seki o hazusu)

How does it call the situation someone isn't in the office, in Japanese?席を外すせきをはずすビジネスシーンでよく使います。会議じゃなくて、実はトイレに行って席にいないだ...