phrase 【How to use kotoka(ことか)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文 How to use kotoka?What does kotoka mean?How disappointing it must have been to lose the game by only one point!1点差で試合に負け... 2023.04.20 phrase
phrase 【How to use ge(〜げ)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文 How to use ge?What does ge mean?a sad-looking face / a lonely-looking face / a joyful face / a proud face悲しげな顔 / さびしげな顔 ... 2023.04.20 phrase
phrase 【How to use kuseni(くせに)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文 How to use kuseni?What does kuseni mean?Even though she notices him, she is pretending not to.彼女は、彼に気づいたくせに、気づかないふりをしている... 2023.04.20 phrase
phrase 【How to use kiri(きり)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文 How to use kiri?What does kiri mean?I haven't eaten anything since some bread in the morning.朝パンを食べたきり、何も食べていません。Meaning... 2023.04.20 phrase
phrase 【How to use gimi(気味(ぎみ))】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文 How to use gimi?What does gimi mean?I feel like I'm catching a cold and my head hurts.風邪気味で頭が痛いです。Meaning of gimi 意味【ぎみ】... 2023.04.20 phrase
phrase 【How to use karatoitte(からといって)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文 How to use karatoitte?What does karatoitte mean?However cheap they may be, buying things you do not need is a waste of m... 2023.04.20 phrase
phrase 【How to use kaneru/kanemasu(かねる/かねます)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文 How to use kaneru/kanemasu?What does kaenru/kanemasu mean?I decline to answer questions about private matters.プライベートに関する... 2023.03.23 phrase
phrase 【How to use gatai(がたい)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文 How to use gatai?What does gatai mean?I heard some unbelievable news from a friend.友達から信じがたいニュースを聞いた。Meaning of gatai 意味... 2023.03.21 phrase
phrase 【How to use enai/eru(得ない・得る)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文 How to use enai/eru?What does enai/eru mean?It's impossible to think that she would betray me.彼女がわたしを裏切るなんてあり得ない。Meaning... 2023.02.26 phrase
phrase 【How to use osoregaaru(恐れがある)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文 How to use osoregaaru?What does osoregaaru mean?If they continue like this, there is a risk of the two ships colliding.こ... 2023.02.26 phrase
phrase 【How to use kagiri(かぎり)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文 How to use kagiri?What does kagiri mean?As far as I know, this restaurant is the best in town.私が知っている限り、この街でこのレストランが一番おい... 2023.02.24 phrase
phrase 【How to use gachi(がち)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文 How to use gachi?What does gachi mean?Recently, he is prone to illness..最近、彼は病気がちだ。Meaning of gachi 意味よく〜になる〜の状態になることが多い... 2023.02.22 phrase