

【How to use shikanai(しかない)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use shikanai?What does shikanai mean? It is clear that I am in the wrong, so I must apologize. 私が悪いのは明らかなので、謝るしかな...

【How to use zaruoenai(ざるをえない)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use zaruoenai?What does zaruoenai mean? Because of an accident, the road is blocked and I have to take a detour. ...

【How to use sae・・・ba(さえ〜ば)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use sae・・・ba?What does sae・・・ba mean? If it weren't for that building, we would be able to have a nice view. あの建物...

【How to use sae(さえ)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use sae?What does sae mean? As it is a question that even a university professor would mistake, there is no way I...

【How to use karashite(からして)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use karashite?What does karashite mean? Judging from the kind of car he drives, that person is likely rich. あの人は乗...

【How to use saiwa/sainiwa(際は/際には)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use saiwa/sainiwa?What does saiwa/sainiwa mean? When you apply for a cell phone, you need your personal seal(stam...

【How to use kotoni(ことに)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kotoni?What does kotoni mean? I was happy to receive many presents for my birthday. 嬉しいことに、誕生日にたくさんプレゼントをもらった...

【How to use kotonaku(ことなく)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kotonaku?What does kotonaku mean? The line continued without interruption from the station to the venue. 行列は途...

【How to use kotoda(ことだ)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kotoda?What does kotoda mean? For your health, it is essential to stop smoking and drinking immediately. 健康のた...

【How to use kotoka(ことか)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kotoka?What does kotoka mean? How disappointing it must have been to lose the game by only one point! 1点差で試合に...

【How to use ge(〜げ)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use ge?What does ge mean? a sad-looking face / a lonely-looking face / a joyful face / a proud face 悲しげな顔 / さびしげな...

【How to use kuseni(くせに)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kuseni?What does kuseni mean? Even though she notices him, she is pretending not to. 彼女は、彼に気づいたくせに、気づかないふりをして...
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