
【emoji】I’m sleeping. ZZZ What does this face mean in Emoji? 日本の絵文字

What does this emoji mean? この投稿をInstagramで見る Tomoe(@tomoe_sensei)がシェアした投稿 It expresses "I am sleeping" わたしは今いま、寝ねています。 こ...

【Emoji】What does it mean? a push‐up?

Have you seen this emoji below?What do you think the meaning? I have to say something before.It doesn't express about pu...

What’s the difference between 得意(とくい・tokui)and 上手(じょうず・joozu)?

What is the difference between 上手(じょうず/jyoozu )and 得意(とくい/tokui)? Both means “good at”. But 上手 is used for reputation/co...

How do you call old people in Japanese? Elderly お年寄り(おとしより・otoshiyori)

How does it call "elderly/old people" in Japanese? この投稿をInstagramで見る Tomoe(@tomoe_sensei)がシェアした投稿 Elderlyお年寄りおとしより otosh...

How do you call crutch in Japanese? 松葉杖(まつばづえ・matsubazue)

I broke my leg, so walking with a crutch. How do you call "crutch" in Japanese? この投稿をInstagramで見る Tomoe(@tomoe_sensei)がシ...


How do you express "that much/ not that / that" in Japanese? この投稿をInstagramで見る Tomoe(@tomoe_sensei)がシェアした投稿 It's not tha...

What does merihari mean in Japanese?【To draw the line メリハリ(めりはり・merihari)】

How do you say "draw the line" in Japanese? What is メリハリ? メリハリ(めりはり) メリハリをつけるメリハリがある To draw the line. 🙂仕事と私生活のメリハリをつけるの...

What’s the difference between そうですか and そうですね??

かka or ねne in the end of sentences has meaning. What’s the difference between そうですか and そうですね?? そうですか! I see. I didn't k...

Hold A over B かざす(kazasu)

Restaurant, convenience store, grocery store and so on...Most of places request payment by smart phone. A store staff mi...

【How to say Chill in Japanese】meaning of ゴロゴロする(gorogoro-suru)Chill

ゴロゴロするgorogoro-suru ChillBeing couch potato 😶日曜日、何してたの?What were you doing on Sunday? 😬何も。家でゴロゴロさてたよ。I was just chilling...

【How to say Well done. Relax and take it easy tonight! in Japanese】ゆっくり休んでね!

How does it call "Well done. Relax and take it easy tonight!" in Japanese? ゆっくり休んでね!Yukkuri yasunde be take it easyrelax...

【When and how to use】Japanese Particle NI, に 5 ways of に

One of important things to learn Japanese is particles.Most of them are just one letter. Therefore, if you use it wrongl...