
【How to use kagiri(かぎり)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kagiri?What does kagiri mean? As far as I know, this restaurant is the best in town. 私が知っている限り、この街でこのレストランが一番...

【How to use kakeru/kakeno(かける/かけの)】N3 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kakeru/kakeno?What does kakeru/kakeno mean? half eaten bread. 食べかけのパン。 Meaning of kakeru/kakeno 意味 途中まで 〜する 全...

【How to use gachi(がち)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use gachi?What does gachi mean? Recently, he is prone to illness.. 最近、彼は病気がちだ。 Meaning of gachi 意味 よく〜になる 〜の状態になる...

【How to use kanenai(かねない)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kanenai?What does kanenai mean? If you speed at 100km an hour, you will cause an accident. 100キロもスピードを出したら事故を...

【omoidasu VS oboeru】What’s the difference between 覚えています(oboeteimasu) and 思い出します(omoidashimasu) in Japanese?

What's the difference between 覚おぼえています(oboeteimasu) and 思おもい出だします(omoidashimasu)? I don't remember と I can't remember I ...

【How to use ippouda(一方だ)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use ippou-da?What does ippou-da mean? The population of this country continues to increase. この国の人口は、増える一方だ。 Meani...

【How to use ippou-de(一方で)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use ippou?What does ippou mean? While Hokkaido has heavy snow, Kyushu, on the other hand, must be warm like sprin...

【How to use ijou(以上は)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use ijou?What does ijou mean? As long as you are a student, studying is more important than doing part-time job. ...

【How to use amari(あまり)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use amari?What does amari mean? She was so happy that she jumped. 彼女はよろこびのあまり、飛び上がりました。 Meaning of amari 意味 とても〜の...

【How to use ageku(あげく)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use ageku?What does ageku mean? Even after running desperately, I missed the train. 必死で走ったあげく、バスに乗り遅れてしまった。 Meani...

【Emoji】What does this emoji mean? What is the girl doing? she is not a ballerina. hahaha.

What is she doing???🙆 この投稿をInstagramで見る Tomoe(@tomoe_sensei)がシェアした投稿 she makes the shape of circle, called MARU in Japan...

【Emoji】What does this emoji mean?

What does this emoji mean?↓↓↓ この投稿をInstagramで見る Tomoe(@tomoe_sensei)がシェアした投稿 It expresses that angry with his veins stan...