
【omoidasu VS oboeru】What’s the difference between 覚えています(oboeteimasu) and 思い出します(omoidashimasu) in Japanese?

What's the difference between 覚おぼえています(oboeteimasu) and 思おもい出だします(omoidashimasu)? I don't remember と I can't remember I ...

【When and how to use】Japanese Particle NI, に 5 ways of に

One of important things to learn Japanese is particles.Most of them are just one letter. Therefore, if you use it wrongl...

【How to say “that much” in Japanese】meaning of そんなに(sonnani)

そんなに sonnani That 😶そんなに寒くない→It’s not that cold.😶そんなにお腹すいていない→ I’m not that hungry.😶そんなに忙しくない→I’m not that busy.😶そんなに安くない...

Let’s do Dictation/Listening !! Practice Listening Japanese

聴き取り(ききとり)Dictation/listening 文章(ぶんしょう)が6つ(むっつ)あります。※みんなの日本語 第14課 例文から。 何と言っているか、わかりますか? Do you catch what I said?

Listening NIHONGO 聴解の練習 with みんなの日本語-minnna no nihongo

Kansai-ben with Minano nihongo. Have you heard kansai dialect? Plz try it!

What’s the difference between どこも(dokomo), どこか(dokoka), なにか(nanika), なにも(nanimo) and だれも(daremo) in Japanese?

someone, something, anyone, no one,,,,,how do you say these words in Japanese? Complicated words, here.Can you tell the ...

【Tips!】Conversation with Japanese. Do not use He/Her. Japanese get confused when you use 彼(かれ)彼女(かのじょ)a lot.

apanese get confused when hear 彼(かれ)/彼女(かのじょ) in sentences. 🙁彼?誰のこと???? I suggest that you should use real names or nick...

Japanese use ka and ne the end of the sentence. What’s this か/ね meaning?

What’s the difference between そうですか and そうですね?? I see. I didn't know it. そうですか! I feel the same / right. そうですね!

Particle に(ni)

Particle に There’re some types of に.It’s just one letter though, has different meaning. Please forces on the verb and co...

What’s the difference between 1月 and 1か月?Japanese meaning of kagetsu and kan.

What's the difference between 1月いちがつ and 1か月いっかげつ?/ 6時ろくじ and 6時間ろくじかん? 期間(きかん)を表す言葉(ことば)。 けっこう、みんなまちがえますね。覚おぼえましょう! これは...

Don’t translate “to cook” into “料理(りょうり)する” in Japanese. How to use 料理する.

How should I translate "to cook" into Japanese? To cook /= 料理する 料理名りょうりめい+つくるをよく使つかいます。 cook curryカレーをつくる cook sushi寿司すし...

How many years do you spend time in school in Japan? 【school year / education system in Japan】

How many years do you spend time in school like primary school, junior high or whatever, in your country? In japan, like...
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