phrase How to say “One on one” in Japanese. Meaning of 一対一(いったいいち・ittai ichi) How does it call "one on one" in Japanese?マンツーマン一対一(いったいいち)One on oneTOMOE せんせいは、いつでもまってるよー🦦TOMOEせんせいと一対一のレッスンはいかが? 2022.12.27 phrase
phrase How to say “Let’s call it even now” in Japanese. Meaning of チャラにする(ちゃらにする・chara ni suru) How does it say "Let's call it even now" in Japanese?チャラにしよう。Let's call it even now.Let's act like this never happened. 2022.12.27 phrase
phrase How to say “Get separated” in Japanese. Japanese Meaning of はぐれる(hagureru) How does it call "Get separated" in Japanese?はぐれる hagureruGet separatedThe girl got separated from her mother.その女の子は母親とは... 2022.12.27 phrase
phrase How to say Obvious in Japanese. Japanese meaning of わざとらしい(wazatorashii)みえみえ(miemie) How does it call "Obvious" in Japanese?わざとらしい/見え見えObviousわざとらしい、みえみえ、は、だいたい同じ意味です。悪い意味で使いますよ。例えば、選挙の前に、国民の得になるような政策を行う、な... 2022.12.27 phrase
phrase Japanese meaning of 敷く(しく・shiku)布団を敷くってどういう意味? Lay outJapanese bed "futon" goes with this verb, 敷しく.敷く(しく・shiku)平(たい)らに広(ひろ)く広(ひろ)げること🙂毎日(まいにち)布団(ふとん)を敷(し)いて寝(ね)ています。🙂... 2022.12.27 phrase
phrase How to say Bar hopping in Japanese. Meaning of ハシゴ(はしご・hashigo) How does it call "bar hopping" in Japanese?ハシゴハシゴする(はしごする・hashigosuru)ハシゴ酒(はしござけ・hashigozake)Bar hopping😞きのう、ハシゴしたから、今朝は... 2022.12.27 phrase
Culture 【Business Japanese】Meaning of 席を外す(せきをはずす・seki o hazusu) How does it call the situation someone isn't in the office, in Japanese?席を外すせきをはずすビジネスシーンでよく使います。会議じゃなくて、実はトイレに行って席にいないだ... 2022.12.27 Culturephrase
phrase How to say Outside – Inside in Japanese. Meaning of 外側(そとがわ・sotogawa) – 内側(うちがわ・uchigawa) How does it call "Outside-Inside" in Japanese?外側(そとがわ)内側(うちがわ」Outside • inside車は園の外側を走っています。 2022.12.27 phrase
phrase How to say Back and forth in Japanese. Meaning of 行ったり来たり(いったりきたり/ittari-kitari) How does it call "back and forth" in Japan?行ったり来たり。いったりきたり。Ittari-kitariBack and forthI go back and forth between Japan ... 2022.12.27 phrase
phrase How to say Inflation in Japanese. Meaning of インフレ(いんふれ・infure)【katakana English】 How does it call "Inflation" in Japanese?インフレ /(物価上昇・ぶっかじょうしょう)→インフレ is カタカナenglish. Inflation in Japanese is 物価上昇(ぶっかじょ... 2022.12.27 phrase
phrase How to say rent in Japanese. Meaning of 家賃(やちん・Yachin) How does it call "rent" in Japanese?家賃 やちんRentI can't pay my rent this month.→今月(こんげつ)家賃(やちん)払(はら)えないよ。。。 2022.12.27 phrase
phrase How to say VIP entry in Japanese. Meaning of 顔パス(かおぱす・kaopasu) How does it call "VIP entry" in Japanese?顔パスかおぱすVIP entryShe has VIP entry.→彼女(かのじょ)は顔(かお)パスでは入(はい)れます。 2022.12.27 phrase