phrase How to say Freeloader/Live lent free in Japanese. Japanese meaning of 居候(いそうろう・isourou)with picture 居候(いそうろう)FreeloaderLive lent free質問しつもんなどありましたら、コメントで! 2022.12.28 phrase
phrase How to say storage room in Japanese. Japanese meaning of 納戸(なんど・nando)with picture How does storage room in Japanese?納戸(なんど)storage room他に、物置部屋(ものおきべや)と言ったりもします。The storage space in our house is large.私わ... 2022.12.28 phrase
phrase How to say Change in Japanese. Japanese meaning of 着替える(kigaeru) with picture How do you say "change clothes" in Japanese?着替えるきがえるKIGAERUchange—-form着替えます着替えて着替えない着替える着替えよう着替えたい着替えたI changed into a ... 2022.12.28 phrase
phrase How to say flip flops in Japanese. Japanese meaning of ビーサン. Let’s learn カタカナEnglish.katakana english. ビーサンFlip flopsビーサンはいて海に行きたいです。 2022.12.28 phrase
phrase How to say “To prepare for” in Japanese. Japanese meaning of 備える(そなえる・sonaeru) 備(そな)えるSonaeruTo prepare for〜に、備える。*goes with particle に.It’s important to be prepared for an earthquake in Japan.日本では、地... 2022.12.28 phrase
Culture 【Tips for staying Japan】You should prepare for earthquakes. The big earthquake could come. It’s called Nankai megathrust earthquake 南海(なんかい・nankai)トラフ大地震(だいじしん・daijishin) It's a name of MEGA earthquake which could come to Japan soon. It's said that it could happen within 40 years by 90% rat... 2022.12.28 Culture
phrase How to say Restroom in Japanese. Japanese meaning of お手洗い(おてあらい・otearai) How does restroom call in Japanese?お手洗いおてあらいOtearaiMeansRestroom🙂すいません、お手洗いはどこですか?Excuse me. Where’s a restroom?【トイレ】よりも... 2022.12.28 phrase
phrase How to say Contradictory in Japanese. Japanese meaning of 矛盾(むじゅん) How do you say "contradictory" in Japanese?矛盾(むじゅん)するMujun SuruContradictoryダイエット中ちゅうにお菓子かしを食べるなんて矛盾むじゅんしているよ。It's contr... 2022.12.28 phrase
phrase How to say Real opinion in Japanese. Japanese meaning of 生の声(なまのこえ・namanokoe) How does "real opinion" in Japanese?生の声なまのこえNamanokoeReal opinion 2022.12.28 phrase
phrase How to say “got a mosquito bite” in Japanese. Meaning of 蚊に刺される(かにさされる・kanisasareru) I got a mosquito bite.蚊に刺されるかにさされる蟹(かに)🦀じゃないよ!蚊(か)🦟に、ですよ!わたしは、蚊に刺されやすいです。今年の夏も、もう既に刺されまくっています。痒(かゆ)い。。。Itchy… 2022.12.28 phrase
phrase How to say “Line/queue” in Japanese. Meaning of 行列(ぎょうれつ・gyooretsu) How do you say "Line/queue" in Japanese?行列ぎょうれつGyooreysuLine/queueThe shop has a long line.お店みせに行列ぎょうれつができています。美味しいラーメン食... 2022.12.28 phrase
phrase How to say “Cook for oneself” in Japanese. Meaning of 自炊(じすい・jisui) How do you say "cook for myself" in Japanese?自炊するじすいするJisui-suruCook for oneself毎日、自分で自分の食事を作ります。自炊します。😶最近さいきん、一人暮ひとりぐらし... 2022.12.28 phrase