
How to say “Take it easy/ relax” in Japanese. Japanese meaning of ゆっくり休んで(yukkuri yasunde) with picture

ゆっくり休んでね!Yukkuri yasunde be take it easyrelaxrest well It depends on contexts.I can say yukkuri means, in this case, not...

Particle に(ni)

Particle に There’re some types of に.It’s just one letter though, has different meaning. Please forces on the verb and co...

How to say 👉Everything’s gonna be alright. /👉It’ll be ok. in Japanese. Japanese meaning of なんとかなる!(nantokanaru)with picture

How do you say "Everything's going to be okay" in Japanese? なんとかなる!Nantokanaru Means… 👉Everything's gonna be okay.👉It'll...

How to say “get along well” in Japanese. Japanese meaning of 仲良し(なかよし・nakayoshi)with picture

仲良しなかよしNakayoshi 例etc🤭二人ふたりは仲良しです。😁仲良くしてください。😆仲良くなる。🙃あの二人は仲が良い。 They are good friends. ふたりは仲良しです。

How to say “Space out” in Japanese. Japanese meaning of ぼーっとしている with picture

how do you say "space out" in Japanese? ぼーっとする。space out 疲(つか)れている時When I am tired, 眠(ねむ)たい時sleepy, ショックな時Shocked ぼーっと、し...

How to say “For now” in Japanese. Japanese meaning of とりあえず

とりあえずFor now I'll take a guiness for now. とりあえずギネスで!

Japanese meaning of きっかけ How to say trigger in Japanese? 【The words difficult to translate Japanese into English】

It's convenience word, kikkake きっかけ. There're many ways to express it in English. きっかけKikkake 英語だといろんな言い方があります。 What mak...

How to say “Good mileage” in Japanese. Japanese meaning of 燃費がいい (nenpigaii)

How do you say "good mileage" in Japanese? 燃費(ねんぴ)がいい。Good mileage

How to say “I don’t know why” in Japanese. Japanese meaning of どうしてかわからない。 なんでかわからない。【daily Japanese】

How do you say "I don't know why" in Japanese? どうしてかわからない。なんでかわからない。

How to say Freeloader/Live lent free in Japanese. Japanese meaning of 居候(いそうろう・isourou)with picture

居候(いそうろう)FreeloaderLive lent free 質問しつもんなどありましたら、コメントで!

How to say storage room in Japanese. Japanese meaning of 納戸(なんど・nando)with picture

How does storage room in Japanese? 納戸(なんど)storage room 他に、物置部屋(ものおきべや)と言ったりもします。 The storage space in our house is large...

How to say Change in Japanese. Japanese meaning of 着替える(kigaeru) with picture

How do you say "change clothes" in Japanese? 着替えるきがえるKIGAERU change —-form着替えます着替えて着替えない着替える着替えよう着替えたい着替えた I changed int...