Culture Why Japanese are thin? Eating habits in Japan → Japanese meaning of 腹八分目(はらはちぶめ Harahachibume) What is 腹八分目(はらはちぶめ・harahachibume)in Japanese? How does "Don’t eat too much!!” call in Japanese? 八分目はらはちぶめHara hachibu m... 2022.12.30 Culturephrase
phrase How to say “Just bring yourself” in Japanese. Japanese meaning of 手ぶら(てぶら・tebura) 手ぶらてぶらTebura 手(て)…handsぶらぶら(onomatopoeia)…dangling MeansEmpty-handed /Just bring your self 2022.12.30 phrase
phrase What does 丸く収める(まるくおさめる Maruku osameru)mean in English. 丸く収めるまるくおさめるMaruku osameru 丸(まる)means circle.⭕️ has no sharp corner. It’s so smooth. So, 丸く収める, this image is like fixin... 2022.12.30 phrase
phrase How to say “I agree.” in Japanese. Japanese meaning of (わたしも)そう思います。(Soo omoimasu.) I agree.(わたしも)そう思います。Soo omoimasu. The dictionary says translation of agree is 同意(どうい)します. Yes, it’s correct. But we don... 2022.12.30 phrase
phrase Bad habits in Japan. You shouldn’t do this in Japan. How to say “Excuse” in Japanese. Japanese meaning of 言い訳(いいわけ iiwake) How do you say "excuse" in Japanese? 言い訳いいわけiiwake Excuse 言い訳Make excuses 言い訳する Japanese don't like excuse. I know every... 2022.12.30 phrase
Culture <Magic/useful word> Japanese meaning of 大丈夫(だいじょうぶ Daijyoobu)Only one word you should remember before trip to Japan. There's a magic word. How do you say "It's Okay./No worries./ No problem." in Japanese? 大丈夫だいじょうぶDaijyoobu This is kind ... 2022.12.30 Culturephrase
phrase How to say “I don’t remember.” in Japanese. Japanese meaning of 覚えていません。(Oboete Imasen.) How do you say "I don't remember" in Japanese? 覚(おぼ)えていません。Oboete Imasen. I don’t remember. て形ですよー!“〜ています”を使います。 I don't... 2022.12.30 phrase
phrase How to say “I can’t remember.” in Japanese. Japanese meaning of 思い出せない(おもいだせない Omoidasenai) how do you say "I can't remember" in Japanese? 思い出せないおもいだせないOmoidasenai I can’t remember. 昨日の夜、何食べた? What did you have l... 2022.12.30 phrase
phrase Japanese meaning of 三寒四温(さんかんしおん Sankan Shion)What is 三寒四温 in English? What's 三寒四温さんかんしおん is? 三寒四温さんかんしおんSankan Shion 日本では春(はる)の最初(さいしょ)の天気(てんき)が、三寒四温ですね。 ※もともとは、中国ちゅうごくの東北部とうほくぶや朝鮮半島北部ちょうせんは... 2022.12.30 phrase
phrase 【Something extra/free gifts】Japanese meaning of おまけ (Omake) おまけOmake Something extra/ a free gift 2022.12.30 phrase
phrase How to say “Anything and everything” in Japanese. Japanese meaning of 何でもかんでも (Nandemo kandemo) 何でもかんでもNandemo kandemo Anything and everything Just 何でも is fine. When you want to insist/emphasis it, then use 何でもかんでも.A... 2022.12.30 phrase
phrase How do you pronounce 空 in Japanese? sky?kuu?kara? pronunciation 空. 空いています。 あいています/すいています どう違う???what is the difference between 空(あ)く and 空(す)く?? 空(あ)く は、話はなしている場所ばしょに何なにも... 2022.12.28 phrase