

How to say VIP entry in Japanese. Meaning of 顔パス(かおぱす・kaopasu)

How does it call "VIP entry" in Japanese? 顔パスかおぱす VIP entry She has VIP entry. →彼女(かのじょ)は顔(かお)パスでは入(はい)れます。

How to say Vermilion in Japanese. Meaning of 朱色(しゅいろ・shuiro)【Why Japanese shrine torii colored by Vermilion?】

How does it call "vermilion" in Japanese? 朱色しゅいろShu-iro vermilion 神社じんじゃ⛩の鳥居とりいの色いろは朱色しゅいろですね。朱色は魔除まよけの意味いみがあります。 It say...

How to say secondhand in Japanese. Meaning of 中古(ちゅうこ・chuuko)【There’re secondhand shop in Japan】

中古ちゅうこChuuko Secondhand/used iphone are expensive even if they're used. →中古(ちゅうこ)でも、iphoneは高(たか)いです。 secondhand shop in ...

How to say “Ring a bell” in Japanese. Meaning of 心当たり(こころあたり・kokoroatari)

How does it call "ring a bell" in Japanese? 心当たりこころあたりKokoro atari means ring a bell/ sounds familiar

How to say Trope in Japanese. Meaning of お約束(おやくそく・oyakusoku)

How does it call "trope" in Japanese? お約束おやくそくOyakusoku means trope. Don’t forget to put お. Coz just 約束(やくそく)means promi...

How to say Four seasons in Japanese. Meaning of 四季(しき)

How do you say "four seasons" in Japanese? 四季(しき)shiki 日本(にほん)には、四季(しき)があります。 Japan has four seasons. You can pronouns e...

【common mistakes】How to say stay in Japanese. Meaning of 泊まる(とまる・tomaru)/滞在する(たいざいする・taizaisuru)

今日の一言! みんな、よく間違(まちが)えるヤツね。 How does "stay" in Japanese? How do you say "stay" in Japanese? 泊(と)まる tomaru/滞在(たいざい)する taiz...

How to say “The best part of” in Japanese. Meaning of 〜醍醐味(だいごみ・daigomi)

How do you say "the best part of" in Japanese? 醍醐味(だいごみ・daigomi) The best part of life is choosing the right answer by m...

Something you feel like you need to cover up/ Japanese Meaning of やましい(yamashii)

How do you say something feeling guilty in Japanese? やましい(Yamashii) Do you have anything that you feel like you need to ...