

【How to use kirenai(きれない)】N3 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kirenai?What does kirenai mean?There is so much food, I can not eat it all.料理が多すぎて食べきれません。Meaning of kirenai ...

【How to use kiru(きる)】N3 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kiru?What does kiru mean?He was able to complete the marathon.彼はマラソンを最後まで走りきった。Meaning of kiri 意味【きる】全部〜する/ 最...

【How to use kiri(きり)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kiri?What does kiri mean?I haven't eaten anything since some bread in the morning.朝パンを食べたきり、何も食べていません。Meaning...

【How to use gimi(気味(ぎみ))】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use gimi?What does gimi mean?I feel like I'm catching a cold and my head hurts.風邪気味で頭が痛いです。Meaning of gimi 意味【ぎみ】...

【How to use kawarini(かわりに)】N3 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kawarini?What does kawarini mean?You do the cooking, and I'll do the laundry.あなたに料理をしてもらうかわりに、私は洗濯をします。Meanin...

【How to use garu(がる)】N4 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use garu?What does garu mean?The child is crying because he wants candy.こどもがお菓子を欲しがって泣いている。Meaning of garu 意味【がる】...

【How to use karaniwa(からには)】N3 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use karaniwa?What does karaniwa mean?Since I've come this far, I want to climb to the summit.ここまで来たからには、頂上まで登りたい。...

【How to use karatoitte(からといって)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use karatoitte?What does karatoitte mean?However cheap they may be, buying things you do not need is a waste of m...

【How to use 〜kara…ni kakete(〜から…にかけて)】N3 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use 〜 kakete?What does 〜 kakete mean?From Hokkaido all the way to Kanto, it will rain.北海道から関東にか...

【How to use ueni(うえに)】N3 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use ueni?What does ueni mean?This house,in addition to being spacious, is also close to the station.この家は広いうえに、駅から...

【How to use kaneru/kanemasu(かねる/かねます)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kaneru/kanemasu?What does kaenru/kanemasu mean?I decline to answer questions about private matters.プライベートに関する...

【How to use gatai(がたい)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use gatai?What does gatai mean?I heard some unbelievable news from a friend.友達から信じがたいニュースを聞いた。Meaning of gatai 意味...