phrase What does こっそり(Kossori) mean? I teach it secretly below. Means…To sneak/ secretly/ stealthilyHow do you say "sneak" in Japanese?She sneakily ate chips.彼女はこっそりチップスを食べた。「こっそり何かをする... 2023.01.04 phrase
Culture How do you say meal and rice in Japanese? The meaning of ごはん in Japanese…??! ごはん, this word could mean rice or meal. It depends on the context. 2023.01.04 Culturephrase
phrase How to say Snowman in Japanese. The meaning of 雪だるま(ゆきだるま・yukidaruma) How does snowman call in Japanese?雪だるま⛄️雪(ゆき/yuki): snowだるま雪だるま:snowman😃 Do you want to build a snowman?雪だるまつくろう!雪(ゆき/Yu... 2023.01.04 phrase
Culture Japanese zodiac 干支(えと/Eto) how to say zodiac in Japanese. The meaning of 干支 あなたの干支えとはなんですか?あなたの十二支じゅうにしはなんですか?子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥(ね・うし・とら・う・たつ・み・うま・ひつじ・さる・とり・いぬ・い)2023年は「卯」うさぎ!ですね;) 2023.01.04 Culturephrase
phrase What’s the difference between どこも(dokomo), どこか(dokoka), なにか(nanika), なにも(nanimo) and だれも(daremo) in Japanese? someone, something, anyone, no one,,,,,how do you say these words in Japanese?Complicated words, here.Can you tell the d... 2023.01.04 phraseQA
Culture The greeting during the end of the year in Japanese) How to say “Have a great holidays.” in Jpanese. The meaning of 良いお年を(よいおとしを・yoiotoshio) 良いお年を!It’s a greeting on December.Full of expression is…良いお年をお迎えください。(よいおとしを、おむかえください)This greeting is used only Decembe... 2023.01.04 Culturephrase
Culture The first three days of new year. What is 三が日(さんがにち・sanganichi)in Japanese. What Japanese do during お正月? 三が日さんがにちSanganichi三が日、みなさんはどんなふうにすごしていますか?初詣はつもうで⛩は、もう、行きましたか? 2023.01.04 Culturephrase
Culture The meaning of おせち料理(おせちりょうり・osechi)in English. Japanese eat traditional cuisine during new year days. What's osechi-ryoori ??おせち料理(りょうり)Osechi ryooriIt’s a Japanese traditional special cuisine during お正月しょうがつ.Each food has... 2022.12.30 Culturephrase
phrase How to say “shy” in Japanese. The meaning of 恥ずかしがり屋(はずかしがりや・hazukashigariya). how does shy call in Japanese?恥ずかしがり屋HazukashigariyaMeans shy.屋(や)means shop/store.Like…camera shop- カメラ屋,Flower shop - ... 2022.12.30 phrase
phrase How to say “give and take” in Japanese. The meaning of 持ちつ持たれつ. 持ちつ持たれつMochitsu , motaretsu.Means “give and take”ある時は、助けてもらい、またある時は、助けてあげる。持ちつ持たれつの関係。 2022.12.30 phrase
phrase How to say “around here” in Japanese. The meaning of この辺(へん) この辺(へん)/この辺り(あたり)👉around here 2022.12.30 phrase
phrase How to say “bicycle” in Japanese. The meaning of チャリ/自転車. There are 2 ways of saying bicycle in Japanese. how does bicycle call in Japanese?It's 自転車(じてんしゃ・jitensya)but casually we call it チャリ(ちゃり・chari)in the daily life. チャリCh... 2022.12.30 phrase