
【How to use kotoninaru(ことになる)】N4 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kotoninaru?What does kotoninaru mean?After a pro-longed recession, that supermarket had to close.長引く不況でついにあのス...

【How to use kotoninatteiru(ことになっている)】N3 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kotoninatteiru?What does kotoninatteiru mean?I have a date this coming Sunday.今度の日曜日はデートすることになっている。Meaning of...

【How to use kotonisuru(ことにする)】N3 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kotonisuru?What does kotonisuru mean?A:Have you decided your plans for summer vacation?B:I've decided to go t...

【How to use kotonishiteiru(ことにしている)】N3 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kotonishiteiru?What does kotonisiteiru mean?I make it a habit to go to the gym every Saturday. 毎週土曜日には、ジムに行くこ...

【How to use kotoni(ことに)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kotoni?What does kotoni mean?I was happy to receive many presents for my birthday. 嬉しいことに、誕生日にたくさんプレゼントをもらった。...

【How to use kotonaku(ことなく)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kotonaku?What does kotonaku mean?The line continued without interruption from the station to the venue.行列は途切れ...

【How to use kotoda(ことだ)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kotoda?What does kotoda mean?For your health, it is essential to stop smoking and drinking immediately.健康のために...

【How to use kotokara(ことから)】N3 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kotokara?What does kotokara mean?In the spring the sakura are beautiful so it was given the name sakura mount...

【How to use kotoka(ことか)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kotoka?What does kotoka mean?How disappointing it must have been to lose the game by only one point!1点差で試合に負け...

【How to use koso(こそ)】N3 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use koso?What does koso mean?You are just the person I've been looking for.あなたこそ、私の探していた人です!Meaning of koso 意味【こそ...

【How to use ge(〜げ)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use ge?What does ge mean?a sad-looking face / a lonely-looking face / a joyful face / a proud face悲しげな顔 / さびしげな顔 ...

【How to use kuseni(くせに)】N2 grammar/meaning with example sentences日本語の例文

How to use kuseni?What does kuseni mean?Even though she notices him, she is pretending not to.彼女は、彼に気づいたくせに、気づかないふりをしている...